Saturday, September 6, 2014

A step ahead

Life after school isn't much of a big deal. Despite all the anticipation and anxiety, it all turns out not as expected, sometimes better, sometimes worse. The struggle begins, questions from here and there, multiple thoughts running through your mind, making you more confused than you already are. It's very important to have an idea of what you want to do, who you want to be and where you want to be.
This particular question "Now that you're through with school, what do you have in mind?" Is a very annoying question. I frigging have so many things in mind! That question makes me twitch whenever I'm asked to answer it. I'm like, what exactly do you want to know?
Honestly felt it was going to be a lot easier, with massive plans sigh.
Got to realise that it actually pays to do things a step at a time.. Ok, I've always known that.. Lol
Truth is that, mistakes are bound to occur at some point
Things sometimes don't go as you've pictured or planned
At some point, you get to realise that you don't need certain people
Certain things are meant to be forgotten
It's all part of this maturity stage.
When things go wrong, rather than seat and wallow or beat your self up with pain, you go ahead and try again. Rome they say, wasn't built in a day. When you feel you've failed, just remember that "every set back is a set up for a come back". This is me dusting my self up after a great fall.


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